My Demo Reel


Andy Le Cocq _ Star Wars EpVIII _ Animation Reel from Andy Le Cocq on Vimeo.

vendredi 19 juillet 2013



I don't post much of the work im doing professionaly , but here's one that just caught my attention ( more than the others ) , this is a short film called Glance , directed by Conkerco  , 2 directors from the Academy, check their work right here  : 
So here it is , I was in charge of the rigging of the moth and the animation at 1.01 min project entirely done on Houdini for the techy guy out there !  

UPDATE  : it's been Vimeo Staff Picked ! youhou 

Please enjoy ! 

Glance by Conkerco from Academy Plus (A+) on Vimeo.

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