I don't post much of the work im doing professionaly , but here's one that just caught my attention ( more than the others ) , this is a short film called Glance , directed by Conkerco , 2 directors from the Academy, check their work right here : http://www.academyfilms.com/projects/conkerco#
So here it is , I was in charge of the rigging of the moth and the animation at 1.01 min project entirely done on Houdini for the techy guy out there ! UPDATE : it's been Vimeo Staff Picked ! youhou
Salut la Compagnie ! You may or may not have heard but Im doing an Ianimate workshop at the moment (www.ianimate.net ), workshop number 4 to be precised where I mainly focus on some acting performance ! Mentored by the grand and powerful Dave Hardin ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGiXITMBdFc ) this is my 1st assignment on a dialogue from the tv serie Dr who ! Please enjoy :)