My Demo Reel


Andy Le Cocq _ Star Wars EpVIII _ Animation Reel from Andy Le Cocq on Vimeo.

mercredi 28 août 2013

portrait !

Salut les gens ! 

Here's one new stuff for you  guys , a quick portrait before going to bed ,it's been long time since I did quite realistic stuff , I was missing actually ! 
Please Enjoy !  

dimanche 4 août 2013

From Bayonne to New York

Hello !
Once again to change a little bit Ill post some photos, portraits and places I took from the few trips Ive done around the globe : New York , Montpellier, Miami , London , Bayonne  etc ...

Please Enjoy 

jeudi 1 août 2013

Papa Benton !

Hey ! 
Quick Sketch before going to bed : Papa Benton 
tools used ;photoshop , wacom , computer , hand , (just a little bit of my) brain 

please enjoy  !