My Demo Reel


Andy Le Cocq _ Star Wars EpVIII _ Animation Reel from Andy Le Cocq on Vimeo.

lundi 10 octobre 2011

Let's Fight !!!

Hello there !
I wanted to show you my last digital painting with 2 characters Ed ( the small one) and Joe ( The bloody strong one) designed, drawn and painted by myself .

The drawing : 

The final painting : 

Please Enjoy !

Matte Paintings !!

Petit Update , on va passer à l'anglais dorénavant ( oui j'ai aussi des lecteurs anglais !!) so ...
2 projects , 2 styles :

Scifi realistic style : " Welcome on Mars "

Painted Style : " On the Roofs "

Here's a little camera projection i did with this matte painting on Eyeon Fusion  :

Sur les Toits. from Andy Le Cocq on Vimeo.